The Lifetime Channel’s Christmas Movie Drinking Game

Last year I went up to my mom’s house for the entire week of Christmas.  And, besides wearing these freakin’ fantastic pajamas, we did something else…  Now, let me tell you a little something about my mother, she LOVES bad movies (sorry Mom, I know you’re reading this.) But honestly, her favorite movie is Andre (yah, the one about the seal and little girl who become BFFs.) I think Air Bud is a close second. So, it is no surprise that when I went up for the week of Christmas that there was no shortage of Lifetime Christmas movies.  The best part is, she knows they are bad.  In fact, the very first night she put them on and started going on and on about how ridiculous they were.  And, that’s probably why we all secretly like them.  They are so bad, we just can’t stop watching.  Well, mom and I decided that week that there should be a Lifetime Christmas Movie Drinking Game (I was surprised to not find one when I googled it!)   We threw around some good ideas for what would qualify as a “drink” and came up with a pretty decent list.  I’d sort of forgotten about this lovely game we had created until just yesterday when Ashten (from Always Ashten) snapchatted me her dislike for the unrealistic plot of the Lifetime movie she was watching.  I remembered the game, in all its glory, and decided I had to share it with you.  It’s not a perfect replica of the game mom and I made, but I’d say it’s pretty good.  So, pour yourself a beer, flip on the Lifetime Channel, and settle in for a good night.
1. “Drink” refers to a SIP of your drink, not an entire beverage.
2. Please play responsibly 🙂
Alright, what did I miss? Share your additions to the game in the comments!

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I'm Kallie!

Also known as That Practical Mom

I’m all about helping you simplify the chaos of life so you can slow down and enjoy it.

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