I was gunna be a fashion blogger but my dogs didn’t approve

Fall Style | Army Green Vest Outfit

Fall Style | Army Green Vest Outfit

Fall Style | Army Green Vest Outfit

Fall Style | Army Green Vest Outfit

Fall Style | Army Green Vest Outfit

This is me, being a super profesh blogger. See that casual look to the side glance? Admire my impromptu, soft laugh even though I’m clearly all alone (oh, nature, you’re so funny!).

Like I said, fashion blogger professional status. (Let’s not mind the fact that everything I’m wearing is from last year’s Marshall’s minus the shoes…which are from Payless Shoes.) Fashion bloggers wear last year’s marked down pieces, right?

Either way, my amazing fashion blogging skills aside, I was in full-on model mode when my small fur children decided they had something else in mind…

Fall Style | Army Green Vest Outfit, my dogs didn't approve

Oh, hey guys. So nice of you to crash my party.

(This is what a “Mom, stop trying to be a fashion blogger and give us biscuits” intervention looks like)

Fall Style | Army Green Vest Outfit, my dogs didn't approve

“Make sure you shoot my from my good side”

Fall Style | Army Green Vest Outfit |

Sometimes you just have to give up your strong aspirations to be trending on #fblogger on instagram and instead let yourself indulge in some puppy kisses.

Fall Style | Army Green Vest Outfit

Seriously though, someone caption this…Austin clearly has something to say.

Fall Style | Army Green Vest Outfit

Fall Style | Army Green Vest Outfit

Fall Style | Army Green Vest Outfit


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I'm Kallie!

Also known as That Practical Mom

I’m all about helping you simplify the chaos of life so you can slow down and enjoy it.

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Woman cleaning dishes at the kitchen sink

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