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Everyday Life

This post is sponsored by Allstate. All opinions are my own. As many of you know, we just purchased our first house! While that’s very exciting, the actual process of moving is not. And trust me, I’d know. Michael and I have lived in
I’m hoping, possibly very over-optimistically, to get back to sharing monthly favorites (or maybe every-other-monthly favorites). Either way I had some good stuff from August, so I wanted to round ’em up for you. Let’s do it. Clothing I Loved A few new loves
Social media is good for so many things. I think it helps us to connect with likeminded people and can make us feel less alone when we’re going through something. But, there’s a darker side to social media and that’s the comparison trap. Ten
Groceries are expensive! So, I wanted to try to challenge myself to make an ENTIRE week of dinners for only $25. So, with a $25 budget, I made dinners Monday-Friday. I was surprised with what I was able to do when I was really

Hey there, I’m

Nothing happens around here before coffee, so pour a cup and join me. Here you’ll find life hacks, budgeting, simple DIYs, and honest motherhood.
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